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The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.

The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.

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Project Blog by nightrunner Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 288

About the Project

This is a Kings of War Project inspired by the OTT Team. A few weeks ago I listen to Lloyd talk about his big-headed dwarfs. I though this was a very silly idea (to be nice), but the concept of making something original had merit. Later I saw Ben's 'Golden Demon' army and I was very impressed with the simplicity yet striking look of the army...and I wanted to do something comparable. Since I was going to build an army for KOW, I decided to follow suit and do something in a similar vein. I had a lot of Stormcast Eternals I bought at a third of the price and that were sitting in a box for about two years now. Therefore I decided to use them to build a proxy Ogre army using the Stormcast as animated bronze statues. This would allow me to paint an army in a simple yet efficient way. I also will use my '100 Years War' Perry plastics as proxy goblins. This project will chronicle my progress and help me focus on finishing the project before the KOW campaign starting at my club early next year.

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A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Archer Horde (Red Goblin Spitters) - Finished

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

Hi everyone,

I have finally finished the Normalite Archer Horde.  I still have yet to test it out on the tabletop.

As regards the campaign I am playing, things are going badly.  Out of six games, I drew 2 and lost 4. This means in the next phase of the campaign, I will start out as a subjugated nation. To add insult to injury I am subjugated to Ratmen!!!  The one faction I have never liked.  I hate my life so much right now!

This means my lord and furry commander can order me around and can decide where my army goes and who it will fight.  What a nightmare!


A horde of Normalite Archers.A horde of Normalite Archers.
A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Archer Horde (Red Goblin Spitters) - Finished
A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Archer Horde (Red Goblin Spitters) - Finished

That is all for this week. I might start something more ‘showcase’ and less ‘tabletop’ next.  I also want to get back to practicing my oil painting.

Until next time, stay safe and have fun.



Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 3
No Comments

Hi everyone,

I played my first game this Saturday morning – I lost miserable – but I failed to paint up all my units.

In order to maximize my options, this week I spent most of my free time buiding up all my remaining units that were still in their respective  boxes.

Now I can slow down, and try to paint up a unit every two weeks instead of every week. This will give me some time to paint up other stuff.

Below are several photos of what I built up and have left to paint.

Proxies for the Warlock, the Warlord and Army Standard Bearer.Proxies for the Warlock, the Warlord and Army Standard Bearer.
Proxies for the Berseker Bully, the Boomer Sergeant, and the Sergeant.Proxies for the Berseker Bully, the Boomer Sergeant, and the Sergeant.
My proxy for the mammoth.My proxy for the mammoth.
These are temporary proxies for Ogre chariots,  but I will change them in the future.These are temporary proxies for Ogre chariots, but I will change them in the future.
Normalite cavalry. These are proxies for Red Goblin Scouts.Normalite cavalry. These are proxies for Red Goblin Scouts.
Normalite mounted scouts - Red Goblin Scout Sniffs proxies. I put 4 on a base to show their light nature.Normalite mounted scouts - Red Goblin Scout Sniffs proxies. I put 4 on a base to show their light nature.

So that is all for now.  I will continue to paint and finish this project but at a more casual and less regimented routine.

I failed my goal, but the army still looks good on the table. Now to try and win a battle!

Stay safe and have fun!


A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Archer Horde (Red Goblin Spitters) - Part 2

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments

Hi everyone,

Today all I have is a quick update for the Archer Horde I am painting up.  I managed to finish the second line of archers and now I have to paint up the last line.

This will be the last unit I will be able to finish before the campaign starts on the 5th of April. Therefore, I will start gluing things together in order to play with the units that are not painted up.  These consist mostly of the Normalite cavalry and all the characters.

The second line all painted up.The second line all painted up.

This will be the last push before gaming starts.  I hope nothing pops up to misdirect my efforts to finish this unit. So wish me luck.

Until next time, stay safe and have fun.


A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Archer Horde (Red Goblin Spitters) - Part 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments

Hi everyone,

I have been using up all my spare time with the Ogrion army, trying my best to get it ready. Today I have finished the first part of my last Normalite Infantry unit – a horde of archers.

I decided to make an archery horde because my army lacks shooting and is more melee focused. Hopefully this with help address that deficiency.

I will placing roughly 30 models onto the base and I will work one line at a time starting from the back and moving forward.

The statues came from old tourist souvenirs.  They were the top part of a pen! I kid you not. I repainted them in oil paints.

The knight statues were the top part of a souvenir pen sold to tourists.The knight statues were the top part of a souvenir pen sold to tourists.
The statues were painted up in oils and left to dry for 3 days while I worked on the archers.The statues were painted up in oils and left to dry for 3 days while I worked on the archers.

Next up were the archers. In the Perry Miniatures 100 year war English army plastic box set there are only 24 archer models.  Therefore I needed 6 more.  I took these from some plastic Dark Age archers from Gripping Beast.  I just made some minor conversions with the heads.

Like all the other Normalite regiments, I wanted this horde to be led by a mounted nobleman. I just decided to give him a bow instead of a lance.

A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Archer Horde (Red Goblin Spitters) - Part 1
The first line of archers are all minor conversions from 'Gripping Beast' Dark Age Archer set.The first line of archers are all minor conversions from 'Gripping Beast' Dark Age Archer set.

Hopefully by next week I will have painted up the second line, and maybe – just maybe – they will be ready for the first battle (but I doubted it. They will be on the field for the second battle).

Until next post, stay safe and have fun.


Making Sense of Stormcast - Last Ogrion Archer Regiment (Ogre Boomers)

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments

Hi everyone,

I have just finished the last Ogrion Infantry regiment in this army. This is also an Ogrion Archer Regiment (Ogre Boomers). There were ten models in a box so I could make 3 regiments from them altogether.

These are the only Stormcast Eternal models that I bought brand new and at retail prices. This is because I could not find them cheaper and second-hand. If anything I found several lots that were painted up (very basically) and selling at triple the cost!

Now all I have left to paint up are my last two proxy ‘monsters’, a proxy chariot regiment, one horde of Normalite archers (goblins),  two regiments of Normalite cavaly, and several characters (which I will leave till the end).

The last Ogrion infantry regiment.  Ogrion Archers (Ogre Boomers).The last Ogrion infantry regiment. Ogrion Archers (Ogre Boomers).
The only Stormcast eternals that I bought brand new and at retail prices.The only Stormcast eternals that I bought brand new and at retail prices.

There is no way I am going to paint up everything in this army before the first week of April.  I have to resign to the fact that it is not going to happen.

Therefore for the next post I am just going to build as much up as possible.  That way at least I can play with them.

Until next time, stay safe and have fun.


Making Sense of Stormcast - 2nd Ogrion Hounds (Crocodogs)

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments

Hi everyone,

A quick post this week.  My second regiment of Ogrion Hounds (Crocodogs).  This now leaves me one regiment of archers and a regiment of Ogrion Riders (Ogre Chariots). I also need to finish painting up the Slasher, Mammoth and Characters besides three units of Normalites.

So it is safe to say I will not manage to finish painting up this army before the first week of April, but it will be all built up and ready to play.

Making Sense of Stormcast - 2nd Ogrion Hounds (Crocodogs)
Making Sense of Stormcast - 2nd Ogrion Hounds (Crocodogs)

Until next week stay safe and have fun.



The Proxy Goblin Slasher - Customization

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Hi everyone,

I have taken a break from painting and spent the time customizing an Isperia sphinx model from Wizkids.  This is a very cheap model despite its size.

I want to use it as a proxy Red Goblin Slasher, so I had to remove the wings and add a firing platform. The platform is scratchbuilt from an old GW Imperial cannon sprue.

This is what I am proxying.This is what I am proxying.
The firing platform and a Stormcast Eternal for scale.The firing platform and a Stormcast Eternal for scale.
The flag is a 3D print from a unit I bought off Etsy.The flag is a 3D print from a unit I bought off Etsy.
I wanted the cannon to be a swivel gun.I wanted the cannon to be a swivel gun.
This is now ready to be played, and I can paint it up sometime in the future.This is now ready to be played, and I can paint it up sometime in the future.

After building up the proxy Slasher, I can know use it on tabletop in my games in April. If I don’t manged to paint it up by then, I can always paint it at my leisure after the campaign.

Until next week, stay safe and have fun.


Making Sense of Stormcast - Ogrion Archers (Ogre Boomers)

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments

Hi everyone,

The Ogres have three types of shooting infantry: Shooters, Boomers and Goblin Spitters. I have already done a horde of Shooters which are the long range ogre variant.

Here I am presenting the short range alternative; ie the Ogre Boomers or as I call them Ogrion Archers (because they have bows!, what was I suppose to do!).

A regiment of Ogrion Archers (Ogre Boomers).A regiment of Ogrion Archers (Ogre Boomers).
Making Sense of Stormcast - Ogrion Archers (Ogre Boomers)
The two regiments make a nifty horde.The two regiments make a nifty horde.

I think I will do the next regiment of Ogrion Hounds (Crocodogs), because I have a bit too much on my plate at the moment.

Until then, stay safe and have fun.


The Proxy Giant - Trying to Paint it Quickly - pt 2

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

Hi everyone,

I have finally finished painting up the giant, and just managed to take the photos and post them before going to bed!

From the last post, I added highlights and lowlights to the skin and apparel.  Everything was done in acrylics in order to match the style with the rest of the army.  If this was not the case, I would have painted this in oils.

As you can see, the armour is painted in the style of the Ogrions, and the clothes have the same colour as the Normalites.

I painted a little object-source-lighting along the legs and arms with blue oil paint.  I just wanted a bit to embellish the lightening. With oil paints this takes only 5 minutes!


Cry me a river Raiden!Cry me a river Raiden!
The Proxy Giant - Trying to Paint it Quickly - pt 2
The Proxy Giant - Trying to Paint it Quickly - pt 2
Comparing the giant to the Ogrions and the Normalites.Comparing the giant to the Ogrions and the Normalites.

I am not sure what I am going to do for next week.  I still have 9 Ogrion archers to paint up, so I might start working on them

Until next week, stay safe and have fun.


The Proxy Giant - Trying to Paint it Quickly - pt 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments

Hi everyone,

This week I decided to work on the giant.  This is a cheap model of a Storm Giant from Wizkids, that I am using as a proxy for a Mantic giant.  It is not as big as the Mantic giant, but it is inch for inch just as powerful (with all that lightening!).

The model comes pre-primed , but had a lot of mould lines and required a lot of cleaning. I then had to re-prime the model.

The next step was the paint the armour in the same quick method as the Ogrions. Then I painted the clothes as the Normalites.  This will tie the giant into the theme of the army.

The model comes pre-primed.The model comes pre-primed.
The mould lines were everywhere on the figure.The mould lines were everywhere on the figure.
A size comparison.A size comparison.
Cleaned and re-primed.Cleaned and re-primed.
I painted up the metallic parts first, in the same style as the Ogrions.I painted up the metallic parts first, in the same style as the Ogrions.
I based coated all the model.I based coated all the model.
I prepared the lightening and painted them up with transparent blue.I prepared the lightening and painted them up with transparent blue.

Next week I will simply highlight and shade the rest of the base colours.  Unless the end of the world hits us like a meteor, I should have this finished by next week.

Until then stay safe and have fun.


Making Sense of Stormcast - Ogrion Hunters (Ogre Hunters)

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments

Hi everyone,

The next horde up are the Ogrion Hunters.  I decided to do these simply because I am getting tired of painting bronze statues and I need to finish them before my morale collapses!

The Ogre Hunters from Mantic Games have a variety of weapons, therefore I had to do several minor weapon conversions to stimulate this on the Ogrions.  I also painted the ‘furs and leather’ as ‘fur and leather’ – in order to show that they are hunters.

Overall, this unit took me the longest to finish, but it is probably my favorite horde.

Diferent weapons on each Ogrion Hunter.Diferent weapons on each Ogrion Hunter.
Hunters and furs go together like peanut butter and jelly.Hunters and furs go together like peanut butter and jelly.
The green glow is just several thin glazes made with glaze medium.The green glow is just several thin glazes made with glaze medium.
A horder of Ogrion Hunters.A horder of Ogrion Hunters.
What the Ogre Hunters actually look like.What the Ogre Hunters actually look like.

I am not sure what to do next week.  I really want to start the giant, but I might not have enough time to do it justice.  I don’t want to paint it as a statue, so it is going to take a bit more work than the average regiment.

But that is a problem for next week.  So until then stay safe and have fun.


Making Sense of Stormcast - 4th Ogrion Warrior Horde

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 6

Hi everyone,

I finally finished painting up my 4th and last Ogrion Warrior horde.  With this last horde of warriors I have a strong core for my army.

At this point, I have enough troops painted up to play. Therefore I can now focus on other stuff for the army like the monsters or characters.

Making Sense of Stormcast - 4th Ogrion Warrior Horde
Making Sense of Stormcast - 4th Ogrion Warrior Horde
Making Sense of Stormcast - 4th Ogrion Warrior Horde
A core of 4 Ogrion Warrior Hordes!A core of 4 Ogrion Warrior Hordes!

I am not sure what to do for next week.  I have another 6 Ogrion Hounds (Crocodogs) to paint up – I could do those, or I could take a break from the bronze painting and work on the three monsters I bought several posts ago.

I will see how I feel tomorrow morning. Until then stay safe and have fun.


Making Sense of Stormcast - Ogrion Berserkers (Ogre Braves)

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
No Comments

Hi everyone,

This week, I chose to paint a horde of Ogrion Berserkers for the army, because they are a unit I think I would enjoy playing with. Berserkers can be identified because they have 2 single-handed weapons.

Therefore I bought some 2nd-hand early Stormcast off Ebay.  They were very cheap with an inch of paint.  I had to strip them and make some adjustments and conversions.

A regiment of Ogrion Bersekers have 2 single-handed weapons.A regiment of Ogrion Bersekers have 2 single-handed weapons.
Making Sense of Stormcast - Ogrion Berserkers (Ogre Braves)
An Ogrion Berserker Horde.An Ogrion Berserker Horde.
The Mantic Ogre Braves is what I am proxing.The Mantic Ogre Braves is what I am proxing.

For next week I want to finish up my 4th and last Ogrion Warrior horde. These warrior hordes form the core of my army, so I want them painted up before the campaign starts in April.

Until then stay safe and have fun.


A Purpose for Perry Plastics - 2nd Normalite Militia (Red Goblin Rabble)

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

Hi everyone,

I have just finished the 2nd Normalite Militia (Red Goblin Rabble) and used up all the miniatures in the box.  I actually had to use and convert some figures of different ranges.

Just as a caveat, I am not building this army around a gaming strategy, but on what I have.  I only buy new stuff when I don’t have a good and recognizable proxy. In fact, I bought some monsters as shown in the previous posts and I will buy some Stormcast archers as well.

Otherwise, I have a horde or regiment of every troop choice in the army list, except for the warriors of which I have 4 hordes.

No min/maxing for me. We will see how it goes!

A Purpose for Perry Plastics - 2nd Normalite Militia (Red Goblin Rabble)
A Purpose for Perry Plastics - 2nd Normalite Militia (Red Goblin Rabble)
A group shot of all my Normalites to date and finished before the end of January!A group shot of all my Normalites to date and finished before the end of January!

That is all for this week. Next week, it is back to the Ogrions!

Until then, stay safe and have fun.


A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Militia (Red Goblin Rabble)

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

Hi everyone,

Another quick post about a reiment that required a lot of work. Below is a regiment of Normalite Militia or Red Goblin Rabble.

The process is the same as the Normalite Militia, except that I added shields from the very early 1990s. I had them laying around for years, and I finally found a use of them. This time I put the mounted leader up in the front to distinguish them from the spearmen.

Normalite Militia (Red Goblin Rabble).Normalite Militia (Red Goblin Rabble).
A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Militia (Red Goblin Rabble)

Next week I will post the 2nd Normalite Militia unit I have.  Until then stay safe and have fun.



A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Spearmen (Red Goblin Sharpsticks) - Part 2

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 7

Hi everyone,

Finally found the time to finish basing the Normalite spearmen, so this will be a short post.  I have some free days this week and I intend to push the work on the Normalites.  I will try to finish the two Normalite militia regiments (Goblin Rabble) by the end of January.

Adding putty to the base to level the base to the miniature stands.Adding putty to the base to level the base to the miniature stands.
Finished the Normalite Spearmen regiment and compared to a horde of Ogrions.Finished the Normalite Spearmen regiment and compared to a horde of Ogrions.

That is all for this week.  Hopefully I will finish the next regiment by late next week.

Until then stay safe and have fun.


A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Spearmen (Red Goblin Sharpsticks) - Part 1

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 8
No Comments

Hi everyone,

I have started to paint the first 2 of 4 boxes of Perry 100 Year’s War figures, that I have for my Red Goblin proxies in my Ogrion army.

I was never going to use these for a 100 Year’s War force anyway, because I was never going to paint up all those diverse colour schemes and heraldry. Also, since Perry miniatures are a bit smaller than normal fantasy ranges, I think they would convincingly pass as goblin proxies.

Altogether, I will be able to make one unit of Sharpsticks (Spearmen) and two units of Rabble (Militia). To accomplish this, each regiment will have 13 men and a leader on horse. This will bring the number up to 15 models per unit and in line with the ‘preferred model count’ (PMC) for Kings of War.

(The fact that there are less on a base will give the impression that the regiment is weaker because it is not at full force – that is the idea!)

As regards painting, I wanted something very simple.  I knew that it would take me at least twice the work and time to paint up a regiment of Normalites, than to paint up a horde up Ogrions. Not only because there are 3 times more miniatures on a regiment, but also because there are more varying details on the models.

So my I decided to keep the paint scheme simple with a two colour pattern.  I also would not paint in shadows – that would be the job of oil washes. This way I would speed up the production of these miniatures while keeping the result neat and tabletop worthy.

The first 2 Perry plastic boxes I have.The first 2 Perry plastic boxes I have.
The first 13 spearmen built and primed black.The first 13 spearmen built and primed black.
All metallics and flesh parts painted up.All metallics and flesh parts painted up.
Basic colour scheme painted in.Basic colour scheme painted in.
Highlights added.Highlights added.
Oil washes for low light and flags added. Ready to be attached to a base.Oil washes for low light and flags added. Ready to be attached to a base.
The leader painted with the same quick style as the spearmen.The leader painted with the same quick style as the spearmen.
A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Spearmen (Red Goblin Sharpsticks) - Part 1

In the next post, I will have based this regiment and I will post the finished result. Multi-basing these miniatures to match my Ogrions is going to be a chore in itself, but I wanted to post something this week.

Until next time stay safe and have fun.


Making Sense of Stormcast -3rd Ogrion Warrior Horde with Two-Handed Weapons.

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

Hi everyone,

Below is the third Ogrion Warrior Horde with Two-Handed Weapons. Unlike the other warrior hordes, these have cloaks, so I painted them up with a white colour scheme like the Ogrion Shooters.

The cloaks added so much more work, but I think the look is worth it.

Ogrion Warriors with Two-Handed Weapons.Ogrion Warriors with Two-Handed Weapons.
Making Sense of Stormcast -3rd Ogrion Warrior Horde with Two-Handed Weapons.
Another horde done and dusted.Another horde done and dusted.

I just have one last warrior horde to paint up, and the core of my army will be ready.

For next week I have decided to paint up my first Normalite (Goblin) regiment. The Normalites are far more time intensive.  There are more models per base and involve more colours. I only have 6 regiments of Normalites to paint up, so I better pull up my socks and get started.

Until then stay safe and have fun.


€63.60 For All 3 Monsters!

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
No Comments

Hi everyone,

This week I have something a bit different.  I just received a present from my alter ego – The Nightrunner – 3 monsters for my Ogrion army. I have been thinking on what to go for as proxies for these monster choices. These monsters are from Wizkids:

1] A Storm Giant for my giant selection.

2] Isperia, Law Incarnate instead of a Goblin Slasher.

3] A Cosmo Wolf instead of a mammoth.

I was surprised how cheap these are.  I bought them (I mean Nightrunner bought them) from Ebay from a shop in Germany and they arrived in just 2 weeks.

Not as tall as a Mantic Giant, but a giant nonetheless.Not as tall as a Mantic Giant, but a giant nonetheless.
A Goblin Slasher proxy.  This will need a lot of conversion.A Goblin Slasher proxy. This will need a lot of conversion.
My mammoth proxy. Fangs instead of tusks - seems reasonable.My mammoth proxy. Fangs instead of tusks - seems reasonable.

In the coming weeks, I will start to work on these one at a time, but before that I will put all the monsters on their bases and undercoat them so I can play with them if I don’t manage to paint them before the campaign starts.

Until next week, stay safe and have fun – and happy holidays to all who celebrate them.


Making Sense of Stormcast -2nd Ogrion Warrior Horde

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

Hi everyone,

I have finished another Warrior horde.  I have enough to make four hordes altogether.  These will be the mainstay of my army, unlike the other hordes of which I only have a horde of each.

I am not a min/max type of player, and I enjoy playing only with what I have and not what I would like to – just like how the great generals of old fought.

Making Sense of Stormcast -2nd Ogrion Warrior Horde
Making Sense of Stormcast -2nd Ogrion Warrior Horde
Making Sense of Stormcast -2nd Ogrion Warrior Horde

This army is taking shape very nicely and is building up well.  I have to start the Normalites sooner or later, but I am sure a regiment will take much longer to finish.

I will choose what I will start next tomorrow.  In the meantime I have received several monsters for this army that I bought on the cheap and I will prepare a post for that soon.

Until then, stay safe and have fun.


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