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Fractured Dimensions Hunt A Six-Fingered Demon Lord


Fractured Dimensions have published images of their latest demonic creation, the six-fingered Cambion Lord.

Scibor Show Off the Painted Power of Necromancy


Lately it seems Scibor have been taking the time to paint up some of their great minis and the latest one to receive a splash of colour is their sinister Necromancer.

Dark Art Take You Treasure Hunting


A new terrain set is now available from Dark Art Miniatures and this time it is a real treasure.

DGS Games Show Off Future Miniatures For Freeblades


Check out some of the new models on the horizon from DGS Games for their skirmish adventure, Freeblades!

Bushido Brings the Spirits of Air and Earth to Life


We have already seen the concepts for the latest figures joining The Temple of Ro-Kan, but now we get to see the painted minis for Bushido's Minor Kami of Earth and Air.

Zenit’s Fantasy Kensei IndieGoGo Finds More Monsters


Check out some more of the wonderful models that are coming out of the IndieGoGo Campaign from Kensei and Zenit Miniatures.

Scibor Prove There is Such a Thing As Female Dwarfs


Scibor are continuing with their current releases of stout fantasy fighters. This time they are going equal opportunities with a series of Female Dwarf Heroes now available.

The Mighty Mikhail Prepares for Anima Tactics


Cipher Studios have published a preview of the new sculpt joining Anima Tactics, the mighty Mikhail.

The Ultimate Guide to Salute 2013 Part 3!


And now we come to the last part of our grand tour of Salute, in which there has been miniatures, mayhem and underpants a-plenty. Warren heads over to check out some more of the great stands and gaming tables and even gets the chance to meet two champions of DreadBall.

Grab A Whole Set Of Steam Powered Scibor Dwarves


Scibor have a whole set of steam powered Dwarves for you to enjoy and the prospect of another awesome sculpt on the horizon from Tomek.

Shieldwolf Look Forward To A Lizard-like Army


Check out the draconic next step from Shieldwolf Miniatures that should bring the jungle to the tabletop.

Scibor Unveil a Dwarf’s Impressive Bust


If you are looking for a new painting project, or just happen to be Ben, then you are sure to like Scibor's impressive bust... depicting a Dwarf Wild Hunter.

Rothand Head to IndieGoGo to Create Figures of Fantasy


Rothand Studio have set up a new IndieGoGo campaign to get the funds for a new range of fantasy miniatures.

Center Stage Miniatures Head To The Razor Coast


Check out the beginnings of the Razor Coast miniatures line from Center Stage! It even has a massive Wereshark for Warren!

Oathsworn Add Plenty Of Dwarfs To Their Kickstarter


Check out some more Dwarfs for the Oathsworn Miniatures Kickstarter! All of these are added to the various pledge levels so enjoy the rewards!

Painting: Colette, Avatar of Deception Part 1


With our good buddy Nick writing up lots of Malifaux articles, we thought it might be fun to let Romain have his way with Colette, Avatar of Deception.

Bow Before The Might Of the Mortan’s Mortifex In Godslayer


Check out the next mighty Mortan release on the cards, the spellcasting Mortifex with his penchant for necromancy.

Adventurous Animals & Winged Women From Dark Sword


Check out more masterful animal and normal adventuring masterpieces from Dark Sword Miniatures.

Scibor Strap Into Steaming Stunty Battlesuits


Check out these awesome looking battlesuits for the Dwarves created by Scibor Miniatures!

The Ultimate Guide To Salute 2013 Part 2!


Welcome to the next part of our epic Salute 2013 round-up. See what you think of the vendors this time and will Warren escape being photobombed?

Model Display Products Unleash Some Titanic Beasts


Check out these monstrous looking miniatures from Model Display Products. The Treeman especially is a great model that deserves to be picked up.

Begin To Dig Too Deep With Scibor’s Dwarf Miners


Check out some new Dwarves from Scibor! Obviously with a few days away from the bearded folk I need to get them in there somehow!

Check Out New Hero Cards For Norsgard’s Characters


Check out two new hero cards for Norsgard that show off a bit more about the heroes you'll be using on the battlefield.

The Ultimate Guide To Salute 2013 Part 1!


Last weekend saw Salute 2013 happening in London's ExCel Centre and while we had loads of fun we also wanted to bring it to those of you who couldn't make it!

Harwood’s Cultists Betrayed Shiva!


Harwood Hobbies' range of exotic figures for swashbuckling adventures is set to expand with a couple of vicious looking cultists. Prepare to meet Kali!

Godslayer Looks Ahead With The Oracle & The Hunter


Check out two new models for Godslayer. One of them is on the way soon while the other is now ready to lend aid to those Halodyne warriors looking to the future.

Kromlech Take You To A Barren Desert Landscape


Kromlech have plenty more goodies for you to use for either basing or customising your Orcs in a Sci-Fi setting. What do you think of more "Skulls for the Skull Base!"?

Raging Heroes’ Brunhilde Busts Out in Metal


Raging Heroes have published an image of the first metal casting of their new epic heroin Brunhilde, atop her mighty war steed and with Great Banner in hand.

Guard Your City Behind Thomarillion’s walls


Whether you are defending yourself from rampaging orcs or the encroaching power plays of a neighbouring baron, a sturdy set of walls are all important to your defences, such as these ones now released from Thomarillion.

Arena Rex’s Kickstarter Ends and We are More than Entertained


The arena of kickstarter falls silent, the roar of the crowd is stilled as Arena Rex, the game of fantasy gladiatorial combat, emerges triumphant!

Malifaux Factions Episode 2 – Resurrectionists


Nick carries on his exploration of the various factions of Malifaux. This week he has unearthed some of the most terrifying individuals you might meet in this twisted world; the sinister and disturbing Resurrectionists.

Beasts Of Cloven Hoof & Fiery Breath From Gary Hunt


Check out some more beasts of the wilds from Gary Hunt Miniatures. This time he is looking at expanding his Clovis range and also adding a Dragon to the mix.

Lead Drow To Victory With New Heroes From Otherworld


Otherworld have unleashed more Drow on the Underdark! It looks like a fair few more of them will be making their way to the surface to start causing havoc.

Scibor Take to Elven Skies with Their Latest Bases


Scibor have added some new elven style bases to depict the elegance of an age past.

Titan Wargames Wave The Dark Dwarf Royal Banner


Check out a long overdue addition to the Titan Wargames line with their Royal Guard Command that adds to their Dark Dwarf line.

Strike A Rune With Oathsworn Miniatures


Check out another Dwarf from the Oathsworn Miniatures Kickstarter. And yes it's relevant for today because you must bring me Dwarfs!

War Fairy Unleash 15mm Folk Lore with Fire Power!


New company War Fairy have released their in a new range of 15mm fairy figures, some of which seem to be carrying a bit more firepower than your average garden gnome.

Shieldwolf Launch Their New Araves Miniatures


Check out the latest faction to be explored by Shieldwolf Miniatures. Have a look and see if the Middle-Eastern and Asian influences have got you hooked?

Ral Partha Take You To The 15mm World Of BlightHaven


Check out these BlightHaven Warbands from Ral Partha Europe ready to take on the fantasy world!

Titan Forge Prepare to Expand the Horrifying Daemonic Kingdom


With the success of their horde of undead greenskins Titan Forge have turned their attention to their Daemonic Kingdom range, with three new sculpts heralding more twisted creations to come.

Start Slaying Dragons Aplenty With JoeK Minis


Fancy a new painting project? How about this new miniature from JoeK Minis that will have you losing your eyesight at the details.

Take On The King Of Goblins With Dark-Art Studios


Take on the Goblin, Chieftain from Dark-Art Studios lavishing in his stone throne.

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