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Good Morning All!
I’ve got a gardening wagon to put together tonight, but it shouldn’t take up the entire evening, unless the instructions are from Ikea. That means I should be able to throw more flock and lichen at those game boards.
I’ve got schoolwork to do, but need my UJ thread fix first. I apologize for not responding sooner.
@woldenspoons Aya is a real sweetie! We had a westie about that size. Tough as nails, and even kept the bears off the yard. Now we have a husky that eats cats and watches deer eat our garden.
@unclejimmy both sets of grandparents were Mennonites, and a few still creep into the family every now and again. I grew up in Steinbach, which was filthy with them. They are known for their penny pinching ways, so cheaping out on the wedding was no surprise.
They’re totally modern now: they have the highest incidence of pedophilia and domestic abuse of any ethnic group in Manitoba, including aboriginals. My parents actually had to draw the curtains to have a drink when I was growing up. The shortest book in the world is ‘The Mennonite Book of War Heroes’, as they still claim conscientious objector status. F*cking hypocrites.
We have a Hutterite colony a few miles down the road… same shit, different pile. We trade 160 proof shine and ‘herbs’ to them all the time for milk and beef, or any veggies that didn’t do well in our own garden.
As far as game boards go, I’ve got some foliage to stick in the rocks, and then I’m on to the last two boards (out of 12). They are also slope boards.
Also not keen on eating wild birds: you need to bolt a pound of bacon to a ruffed grouse breast to make it edible; same goes for Canada goose. You need to marinade the thing for weeks as the meat is tough as nails. Comes with flying a few thousand miles twice a year, and kicking the crap out of potential predators on a daily basis.
Vagabond – still giggling. Same with the Georgia Guidestones and the little guy with the ‘WTF?’ comment.
Infinity makes amazing females. The wash on those models really brings out the detail.
@robert that is quite the nurgly project you’ve got on the go. Awesome! Keep posting WIP’s.
@onlyonepinman I’ve posted some pics on previous threads, but here’s a few high points.
There will be a photo shoot at my LGS on Oct. 18th, and my brother and I will be playing an inaugural Battlesystem game on the terrain on Oct. 19. I’ll post plenty of pics from that event.
The komodo dragons look great. I’m liking contrast paint more and more! Don’t forget to post a pic of your finished Viking.
We keep Rouen ducks and Danish geese, so not as keen on eating them, as they are more or less pets, although we do use the eggs, and sell the chicks.
Thank you for the Bladerunner link… just what the doctor ordered. It’s also good for painting. I get that Bladerunner vibe in the background without even realizing it.
I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch 2049. I thought Bladerunner was one movie that should have never had a sequel, and I’m good with how it left off. Still on the fence. Remember how the Highlander sequels destroyed the mystique of the first movie?
Time to bury my face in a textbook.