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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Could Heroquest be finally coming back again? Reply To: Could Heroquest be finally coming back again?



Geek and Sundry boost the popularity of a lot of smaller board games, but we’re talking about HeroQuest.

The name brand and reputation are already out there.  Gamezone’s dubious HeroQuest 25th anniversary version brought in half a million dollars in its initial bump due to that name recognition alone. And that was from people who were willing to ignore the warning signs (even TGN openly calling out Gamezone for not having the appropriate rights). In the right hands, this could easily explode on Kickstarter or at retail.

HeroQuest has the visibility. What it needs is to be great in the right ways to satisfy those who are drawn to its reputation so that a new version can have the reputation that the old version has.

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