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Reply To: [unofficial weekender] 6 weeks until Christmas 2020

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion [unofficial weekender] 6 weeks until Christmas 2020 Reply To: [unofficial weekender] 6 weeks until Christmas 2020


Cult of Games Member

This week’s pledge is to finish the clockwork dragon I’m working on for my Dweghom. I suspect it will be finished in a few days at this rate.


  1. You did get all your Christmas presents for your loved ones by now, yes? – My wife tells me she has sorted everything, but I know from experience that will miss about half the family.
  2. What hyped/famous/popular tabletop miniature wargame has disappointed you the most and why? – I tend not to get too worked up about pending games. That said the Monster Hunter kickstarter arrived last month and it is nothing like I expected. I was expecting a game similar to Kingdom Death Monster with long term settlement and character development, but instead its more of a one-evening play through game. It will be going to ebay once the expansions arrive.
  3. Are you going to have big Christmas dinners? Family zoom meetings? Or just shut all windows and remain indoors with your immediate family? – Its all up in the air here in the UK right now. If its legal we’ll be travelling to my Mums for a few days so the kids can see Grandma. If not it will be our first family holiday in our own house.

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