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Worrying trend developing on Forgeworld, a lot of the Blood Bowl star players are now showing as “Sold Out – No longer Available”.

So far this seems to be the case with:

  1. Morg’N’Thorg
  2. Karla Von Kill
  3. Lord Borak
  4. Helmut Wulf
  5. The Swift Twins
  6. Skrull Halfheight
  7. Joseph Bugman
  8. The White Drawf & The Black Gobbo

In addition also “Sold Out – No longer available” 

  1. Goblin Killer Kontraptions
  2. Goblin Secret Weapons
  3. Nurgle Rotspawn
  4. Dark Elf / Elf / Chaos Cheerleaders
  5. Goblin Dirty Players
  6. Minotaur

There are other stuff showing as Temporarily unavailable, but it looks like the 14 above items are gone for good.

What does this mean for Blood Bowl ? That’s a fair chunk of content from forgeworld gone.

Some stuff I understand (cheerleaders at £23 pounds is a big ask) but Star Players that are currently in the rule book and Skrull who has only been out a short while? And the Minotaur?

I would have assumed this was originally down to 2021 launching with two plastic star players, but Frank N Stein just dropped and he is resin, so this just looks mad to me.

Although when the Plastic Varag Ghoul-Chewer went on sale the Resin one on Forgeworld was also removed. So maybe, just maybe that star player supplement might be a possiblity, launch a boxset with cards and plastic star players for all of the no longer available ones from Forgeworld?

Thoughts anyone?

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