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Reply To: [unofficial weekender] Staaaaaaaaar Waaaaaaaaaaaars… and a bit of Marvel.

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion [unofficial weekender] Staaaaaaaaar Waaaaaaaaaaaars… and a bit of Marvel. Reply To: [unofficial weekender] Staaaaaaaaar Waaaaaaaaaaaars… and a bit of Marvel.


Cult of Games Member

This week’s pledge is to finish the 75mm mini I started this week, and after tidying my garage to clear space, starting to glue together the Egyptian terrain.


  1. Have you yet seen anything from the currently running AMG “ministravaganza” (or what ever they are calling it) – No. Not a company I pay much attention to.
  2. Have you seen the “Is it okay to be left behind – Pondering post lockdown” thread? – I have now, and contributed.
  3. Have you also seen the “Anti Shiny Syndrome League” thread? – I have now, and contributed again.


Two very interesting threads that came up this week.

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