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Cult of Games Member

Although 40k was where it all started (well, technically it was Heroquest and Space Crusade), I was always more of an Old Worlder than a subject of the Imperium.  But even before they cancelled Warhammer Fantasy Battle, I was starting to get really frustrated due to lack of support for Bretonnia. I wasn’t as upset as a lot of people were when they moved to Age of Sigmar but it became pretty apparent pretty quickly that there was no place for Bretonnia in the Mortal Realms, not like the “Free Guilds”, so I never made the switch.

I’d already had my eyes opened for me by Beasts of War several years before (can’t remember exactly when) and started collecting Infinity miniatures as my primary source of science fiction, leaving the Grim Dark behind.  Therefore it wasn’t really that difficult for me to make the decision not to migrate to AoS and just keep the painted armies to use in other games (like Kings of War – where Bretonnia actually look much more in keeping).

In the years since I have pretty much stopped buy anything GW bar the occasional special edition (like the Eisenhorne and Gaunts Ghosts miniatures).  I grew so pissed off with their flip-pot paints that I switched to Army Painter and I hadn’t been using GW brushes for years.

These days, my interaction with GW is limited almost entirely to painting the occasional miniature for my brother. At the moment I have a few Blackstone Fortress character miniatures sat waiting and I might offer to do some of his Cursed City miniatures (characters only, of course).

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