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Coat d'arms paints now available in Canada

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  torros 5 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #1425513

    Cult of Games Member

    These paints will be available through Tally Ho games




    Great range of paints as well.  I really love their textured basing paints, good value as well.


    Cult of Games Member

    Those paint pots are the same as those used by the P3 paints from Privateer Press.




    Cult of Games Member

    For info this range of paints are the original citadel range


    Cult of Games Member

    …..and just like the original paint range will probably still be usable 20 years down the road (those original GW paints proved to be crazy on their longevity). They do tend to give a slight satin finish. but because of that work well with washes.



    Cult of Games Member

    So does someone else, as in all along, own the patent on this paint line?


    Is it that they just grant a license to different companies and those companies bottle up and rename as they see fit to match with they’re game system?


    This is very interesting.  Sort like a silent partner to the gaming industry, that lurks in the shadows.


    Cult of Games Member

    This info is about 3 years old

    GW does not produce paint; they subcontract to other companies. The old Citadel ranges (both circular and hexagonal bottles with white/red flip caps) were in fact produced by Black Hat Miniatures. After GW switched for another range 


    A bit more research showed that s company called HMG make the actual paint for Black Hat miniatures

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