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[Feature Request] Project reminder and profile shortcut

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  kevlin 6 years, 4 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I think there should be a reminder for projects that are “active” and “on hold”. So that if you don’t add to it within a specified frame of time you’ll be reminded to work on it. After being reminded two times the project could be marked “cancelled”.

    This prevents to many open projects to clog the search results, when someone is looking through them. And helps project starters to keep track.

    Also I would like to have a “my projects” link within my Profile. So that I (and others) can see my projects all in one place.

    Thank you for listening, have fun in Essen.


    Cult of Games Member

    It would be good to use terms that are a bit less judgemental…   Perhaps have projects become ‘dormant’ rather than be ‘cancelled’.   The effect would still be the same, and you could set your search to include or not projects that hadn’t been updated for X amount of time.

    But I can see that some people may want to come back to projects only sporadically.


    Cult of Games Member

    I think ” dormant ” would be a good choice . I didn’t up date my project for about 3 months . Things just got in the way , summer hols , family , other quicker to build/ paint kits  ( shiny , shiny ) , not to mention  I  lost interest  in it for a time …. though I did finish it eventually


    Cult of Games Member

    Just to be clear on this “active”, “cancelled” and “on hold” are already implemented in the project page. Using different wordings in emails would just lead to confusion 😉



    So that if you don’t add to it within a specified frame of time you’ll be reminded to work on it. After being reminded two times the project could be marked “cancelled”.’

    – The projects blogs are used for all sorts of purposes and people have different resources and time to commit. It’s not a contest or obligation to post regularly so to impose some sort of arbitrary automatic system for reclassifying projects at this early stage is counterproductive. There are hardly 1000s of projects clogging up any search.

    There are times when I cannot work on my projects for weeks let alone find be able to find the time to write about it. If anything like this were introduced I simply wouldn’t use projects.


    Cult of Games Member

    It could be an optional feature. Like a box on the project “Remind me of my project”. As an opt in. I’d love to have that for me



    Cult of Games Member

    Pushing people to finish/continue projects just feels wrong. We all have different amount of time (and resources) to do our hobby.

    It could be an option when/if the site is filled with thousands of projects that never have any sort of progression, but we need to remember that this is a hobby instead of a job.

    If you do need reminders then you could use your own agenda/task organiser on your phone and let it remind you to continue work on your OTT project(s).

    Besides … if your project is popular enough then you can bet lots of people will start haunting you for more updates 😉

    I think that easy access to your own projects and those you’re following is a bit more useful.



    I agree the easy access to your own projects and those you are following, like Limburger suggested, is a really good idea.

    On the subject of words Cancel is a very harsh word and would sugest that you failed or that BoW wasn’t interested in slow projects that didn’t have a high frequency of posts. I haven’t really seen a problem with inactive projects getting in the way since the list is updated with the most active projects firsts letting the more innactive ones sink to the end of the list.


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