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[Kickstarter] Tabletop terrain from XPS foam: Buildings

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion [Kickstarter] Tabletop terrain from XPS foam: Buildings

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  damon 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    So some of you may have heard of this Kickstarter (especially those who have backed the book from Mel the terrain tutor) but I haven’t seen any news about it here so here goes nothing:

    The book is about

    Techniques, tutorials, templates and tons of tips: This is your ultimate guide for creating superb tabletop buildings!

    It’s made by Gerard Boom ( maker of all the good tools for the Proxxon hotwire cutter) and Michael Martin (creator of the YouTube channel Tabletop Workshop).


    The book comes in German and English, will come with several templates, free laser cut windows, doors, colourful “glass” inlays for the windows and has almost cleared every stretch goal so far.

    The campaign ends in 33 hours so you may want to hurry if you want your name in the book. Otherwise there will be a late pledge option. English version is to be delivered in May 2020 (so shortly after Mels book) and will hit retail in mid 2020.

    Black Magic Craft had a visit from Gerard Boom earlier this year and Gerard left him some prototypes to play around with. See here

    and here

    And if you don’t mind the German audio you can here

    what Gerard is capable of getting out of XPS hardfoam. (Plus he does workshops)


    Cult of Games Member

    Decided to drop some money on this, I really like tinkering with styrofoam and some inspiration would be great

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