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Silmarillion movie ?

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  wolfie65 1 year, 1 month ago.

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    So I’m re-reading The Silmarillion and came across some teaser trailers on TheirTube, wondering if this is for real or more in the realm of wishful fan-think.

    Yes, I live under a rock when it comes to new film releases – because they almost all suck…..So the rock cover is quite deliberate.

    How do we feel about this ? Peter Jackson seems to be Da Man, which can be good or bad, depending on your personal taste. As far as I’m concerned, his LotR films were very good and I re-watch them about once a year, but I do have to see them as something quite separate from the book. His Hobbit was just atrocious, almost like a SlimeAzon/NetSucks co-production sponsored by Gillette, Bud Light and Target.Oh, and the company formerly known as Disney……


    Cult of Games Member

    I think a single movie – or even a trilogy – wouldn’t do it justice, though Peter Jackson could turn it into dozens of movies. Unlike the Hobbit I’d be in favour of that.


    Cult of Games Member

    The hobbit still leaves a bad taste. Stretching the material that thin then patching it with nonsense. There are definitely good stories to be adapted from that book? But I wouldn’t trust any studio to do it these days and not bastardise it.


    Cult of Games Member

    Rumour has it that the guys behind “The Rings of Powah” have got their filthy hands on the license …

    Not sure if that’s true, because that book is a real beast to turn into a tv-series and those guys don’t even understand the basic lore of the series.



    Well, in the appendices to the extended edition of the LotR DVDs, Peter Jackson says that the book would have been impossible to film as written – and I think that is correct. Trying to do so would result in something akin to those never ending family sagas like The Onedin Line, The Buddenbrooks, Upstairs Downstairs  or Downton Abbey.

    Many episodes would feature mostly Hobbits and Dwarves singing or telling tales, which would delight die-hard fans but horrify the vast majority of the ticket-buying or TV-viewing public. The battle of Helm’s Deep, which lasts for a good 1/2 hour or more in the movie, is barely 1 1/2 pages in the book.

    So he turned what is essentially part of Tolkien’s ‘natural history’ of Elves and Hobbits into a martial arts- and video game-inspired monster flick.

    Which is what I suspect they’re going to do with the Silmarillion, except with the added toxins of ‘woke’ cancel culture, Agenda 2030 and associated ills.


    Cult of Games Member

    I don’t think there’s any chance of a Silmo film any time soon.  Amazon only got the licence for LotR and its appendices, which were sold off by the Prof back in the 1950’s, so have always been a commercial consideration available to the highest bidder ever since.

    However, the Tolkien family have never ever sold the film rights for Silmo or the other works of the Prof, so any film would have to deal with them directly, and they are notoriously wary of selling off the film/TV rights, knowing JRRT and his son Christopher who edited the book, were always dead against doing so.

    Any rumours of a Silmo film therefore are only that, and not to be trusted.


    Cult of Games Member

    That book was impossible to read … so I doubt anyone could make a tv-series out of that.

    A movie only worked for LoTR as that was one epic story.
    It already failed with the Hobbit, because that was (IMHO) closer to a collection of short stories fit for a tv-series and not ideal for a movie trilogy.

    Silmaril would have to be more like ‘Game of Thrones’ and they’d be cutting half the characters and storylines to get even to that.



    Reading The Silmarillion is certainly not ‘impossible’, it’s just very different from the mass market bottom drawer lowest common denominator garbage that is 90+% of books….

    The Hobbit is also one epic story – originally written for children, Tolkien’s own – in fact, the basic storyline is essentially the same as LotR, the latter being kind of an expanded, more ‘adult’ version of the former.

    Neither are trilogies in the classical sense, the original definition of that term being something that consists of 3 parts – paintings, sculptures, buildings, tales – that can be viewed separate and in any order, but together form a cohesive whole.

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