More Apprentices Gather To Learn The Ways Of Magic In Frostgrave
April 30, 2015 by brennon
North Star continue to preview the models for their upcoming Fantasy game, Frostgrave, which is made in conjunction with Osprey Publishing. See what you think of these spellcasters in training...
Fire & Illusions
The first two models that you can see below are the Elementalist and Illustionist Apprentices that will appear in the game both conjuring a ball of fire and offering up some kind of invisible object to some unsuspecting folk...
I really like the look of most of these Apprentices and they've done a good job of making them all look very individual. It would be interesting to see some 'epic' versions of some of the Wizards too in all their spellcasting glory as well as the more relaxed poses we've seen so far.
Book Learnin'
As well as the book learning you can see below there's also the case to be made for a lot of book carrying too! I love that the Thaumaturge's Apprentice is having to lug around an impressive collection of tomes...
I might even end up using a selection of these Wizards and their Apprentices for role-playing characters away from the main game by North Star and Osprey. As I've mentioned in the past as well though it will be interesting to see the other units and such that will make up this game.
What do you think?
"It would be interesting to see some 'epic' versions of some of the Wizards too in all their spellcasting glory..."

Come on already!
Looking good.