Ninja Division To Pull Back From Kickstarter Use

March 28, 2018 by brennon

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Ninja Division's commander in chief, John Cadice, talked with ICv2 about their take on Kickstarter as it is now and how they will be pulling back from using the funding platform.

Ninja Division

The basic gist of his issues with the platform is that he feels that it has become a little toxic and the environment isn't right for certain games anymore.

"But the added toxicity, …the way that it's swung online has made us shy away from wanting to even be a part of it.  I don't think that it's responsible for any of our external business partners to have to be exposed to that. It's not responsible for me to expose my employees to that.  It's not responsible for me to expose my brands to that."

This stemmed from an earlier part of the chat where he said...

"We have a great community we've been able to build up over time, but we've come to recognize that in our time working and developing in Kickstarter that you run the risk, as a business, of your eyes getting too big for the plate.  You build big projects.  You want to be ambitious.  You want to go after all of this opportunity to give your customers all the things they want.  We have gone through and redesigned whole products from scratch based on the feedback we get.  We've added time to our time frames, everybody thinking that it's OK."

They have not ruled out the use of Kickstarter for smaller projects, but I doubt that we're going to be seeing any massive games landing from them via the platform from now on. This has been a debate for a while now and it's interesting to see one of the big users of the platform dropping away from it.

I'm fairly sure that this isn't going to stop some of the bigger companies from using the platform in the same way as they have but it does spark the conversation once more of who should be using it to achieve their goals.

My Thoughts...

From a personal point of view, I have had some good experiences with Kickstarter campaigns (Mythic Battles: Pantheon & Burrows & Badgers) and I think that if the product and team behind that game can make it achievable, then there is no reason companies of varying sizes shouldn't use the platform.

Of course, this isn't the case for everyone and I sympathise with people who have backed a campaign only for it go south. I think a layer of accountability has to be dropped on companies looking to use the platform. While the decision to back a project has an inherent risk...that was the way the platform was viewed when it first launched. Now, with the change in the system and its usage, the outlook on Kickstarter has to change with it.

A lot of it has to come from know-how and research though too. As a backer, you should be looking at their plans, how they are figuring out to spend the money raised, what their potential risks with shipping and distribution could be, and the history of the company as a whole. If they're new then try and find out about the people, engage with them in the comments and see how deep their passion for a project runs.

If you have misgivings. Just don't back.

It will be interesting to hear your thoughts...

"I think a layer of accountability has to be dopped on companies looking to use the platform..."

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