New Twisted Bishops & Early Islesmen From Antediluvian!

November 29, 2021 by brennon

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Antediluvian Miniatures has expanded both its Medieval Demon collection and its Historical range with some new characters! We start with something a bit more fantastical and the addition of the Infernal Bishop, Papa Diabulus.

Papa Diabulus - Antediluvian Miniatures

Papa Diabulus // Antediluvian Miniatures

This fellow looks like he would be perfect for those wanting to put together some twisted Historical/Fantasy scenario in a multitude of different games. I also like the idea of introducing him to a game like The Silver Bayonet. Imagine him dwelling in some ruined church in the depths of a wood when your hunters find him, raising the dead and more to threaten the armies of the British and French.


As well as the twisted Bishop, we also have some Lewis Chessmen-inspired miniatures that you could use for your historical forces. A good option for those wanting to start a warband or two.

Early Islesmen Command - Antediluvian Miniatures

Early Islesmen Command // Antediluvian Miniatures

The first set is your Command miniatures with a King, Queen and Bishop. You also have a Banner Bearer on the right-hand side who comes without a banner pole but that shouldn't be hard to remedy. The sculpts really do replicate the look of those classic chess pieces!

You can then expand on this and give your Islesmen a retinue of loyal followers with these regular soldiers.

Early Islesmen - Antediluvian Miniatures

Early Islesmen // Antediluvian Miniatures

Again, you'll have to be a bit inventive here when it comes to these miniatures. Spears will need to be supplied and it will be time to break out the drill! But, you will get shields in the set that you can use to give them some protection from incoming arrows!

Plenty of fun new miniatures for you to tinker with and add to your armies! I always like little sets like these because they offer up some nice ways to make your army feel unique. I would doubt many folks would have Lewis Chessmen-inspired miniatures in their collection!

Are you tempted to pick these up?

"I always like little sets like these because they offer up some nice ways to make your army feel unique..."

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