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Vanguard/KoW: Modelling for both systems- A Beardragon14 debacle

Vanguard/KoW: Modelling for both systems- A Beardragon14 debacle

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Sisterhood Scouts .... I am all a QUIVER ..... No seriously! It"s an 'ARROWING experience.

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 3
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Well now the onslaught of the start of the year is over I can “get to” an do some serious painting.

THE KIT: Next entry is a new model/ unit for Basilea, the Sisterhood Scout(s); Warrior Nuns with bows as it were. This model comes with a nice variety of options 2 different head options (cowled and uncowled), 2 different bow arms ( vertical bow and horizontal (ish) bow) and two different right arms (with arrow and with arrow just loosed) giving a total of 8 different builds!!  I decided that the Veteran Sister would let her hair down and the others would be cowled.

More importantly for those who remember previous Basilean Sisters models, the hands on the model are not large enough to crush a rockmelon in one palm, the arms do not look like they should be on something with orange fur in the treetops or Borneo and faces look feminine not equine.

PAINTING TIPS:  As always my tips are rudimentry as I am only an average painter but if you can use it , then fine. The sisters having pale blue cloaks meant that I needed to shade it to get the effect of the folds. I didn’t want to build the colour up from a dark base so it had to be shaded but previous experience had shown  Army Painter’s blue tone and Citadel’s Drakenhoff Nightshade they were both too dark over mid and pale blues. I stumbeled across a hint to mix Lahmian Medium with Citadel washes to lighten them down without getting as runny as you get when you dilute with water. I tried it and it worked a treat and I highlighted with a sky blue. Liked it so much I went back and did the Paladin’s capes.

DEPLOYMENT: In Vanguard the Sisterhood Scouts are WARRIORs so are a core choice so I can take as many of them as I want. The 5 models I have will proxy for a 10 sister troop (on appropriate base) until I can procure another 2, honest Mr Renton I will .( I am not buying another starter pack just yet .. what would I  do with the extra panthers??)

The Sisterhood Scouts unleashed (The latest Mantic Terrain crate I bought The Sisterhood Scouts unleashed (The latest Mantic Terrain crate I bought "Dungeon debris" in the background.

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