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Shadespire journey continued  (Spring Clean)

Shadespire journey continued (Spring Clean)

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Garrek Gorebeard - Getting the scheme down

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 4
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Garrek Gorebeard - Getting the scheme down

Garrek was already painted with a pale skin but not much else.

I mixed some Army Painter Wolf Grey and some Bugman’s Glow for the base skin colour.

I used a part Citadel Dark blue Nightshade and part Fleshtone as a wash.

I did a heavy highlight of the Wolf Grey and Army Painter Barbarian Flesh but found this was too bright for what I wanted.

I did a part Violet, part Fleshtone wash to drag the tone back down again.

I did a thin highlight of Wolf Blue and Bugman’s Glow and then a more selective highlight on the upper areas of blue and barbarian flesh. The scars got the same bright highlights but with a touch of Rakarth Flesh mixed in.

The metal on show is painted in my usual, recent, go-to of lead belcher and Retributor Armour. All the metal got an Agrax Earthshade wash and few highlights of the original metal colour to bring it back up again.

The red is Mephiston Red.

For the legs strapping I used Zandri Dust, Agrax wash and a Rakarth Flesh highlight.

The black used is Abaddon Black.

The blood on the axe and dropped in moderation all over him is the Blood For The Blood God technical paint.

The brown of the trousers is the primer spray Mournfang Brown with some Zandri Dust weathering and an Agrax Earthshade wash.

The skulls on the base are Zandri Dust, Earthshade wash and Rakarth Flesh highlights.

I think the base is Army Painter Ash Grey with a heavy Nuln Oil wash, but this was left over from my original paint job attempt and I might be wrong on the grey.


I think I am going to use a similar scheme for the other Bloodreavers, but I am going to experiment with some other skin colours. I think they are all going to be mixed with a Bugman’s Glow / Barbarian Flesh base in the hope this helps tie them back to all being from the same cursed squad. The mirrored city has had a bad effect on them, more than just making them even more mad and savage than they were before.

Garrek Gorebeard - Getting the scheme down
Garrek Gorebeard - Getting the scheme down
Garrek Gorebeard - Getting the scheme down

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