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Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

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Orctober Day 7

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 7
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A bit more progress yesterday.

Tried the Abbadon Black contrast on the wolves for my goblin wolf riders – mixed down with matt medium in about a 50:50 ratio. Happy with the results, think it will work well after the apparently inevitable AP varnish…

Instead of pushing on with the Orcs promptly got distracted by the Night Goblins and spent about 4 1/2 hours getting the three units up to the varnish stage, which I spent an hour applying this morning. While doing that I checked the Slaanesh warriors, varnish has settled in OK on them so I’ll hopefully look to base next weekend (I dislike basing so any excuse to delay the inevitable seems OK to me 🙂 ).

Additionally got some other odds and ends assembled and primed. Well, round 1 included breaking parts, super gluing my thumb and index finger together and failing to get parts to adhere. So knowing that I had somehow drawn the ire of the fickle hobby gods I decided to leave well enough alone and left everything where it was. Came back a few hours later and met with more success. Additions for the Orctober project include a bolt thrower and three goblin crew, six night goblin fanatics, two goblin shamans (one night goblin and one vanilla goblin flavour) (All GW models), a goblin warlord (reaper) ,  and an orc warlord (MOM Miniatures). Also pictured are a paymaster for my Dogs of War force and a battle standard bearer for the Middenheim army (Both MOM) and at the back an elf wizard who looks the part for my Pirates force (Journeyman Wizard from Ex manus Studios). Not photographed were a few more chaos characters who I have primed and set aside for later. I mean, let’s be honest – Chaos armies are all about overpowered short tempered two dimensional villains leading a legion of faceless goons, so clearly the more the merrier. We’ve all seen Game of Thrones, we know that they will all play nice and get along together, focusing on a unified objective… Anyhow…

Project time to date (exclusive of getting things assembled and primed) about 13 hours.

Awaiting finishing of bases - cookie cutter snow theme...Awaiting finishing of bases - cookie cutter snow theme...
Watching varnish dry - once characters and extras are added I have 3 existing units of night goblins to add these to, so a reasonable stand-alone force.Watching varnish dry - once characters and extras are added I have 3 existing units of night goblins to add these to, so a reasonable stand-alone force.
The extras - for when chain painting units becomes mentally tedious.The extras - for when chain painting units becomes mentally tedious.

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