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Hellboy (an old Spring Clean Challenge)

Hellboy (an old Spring Clean Challenge)

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From frog spawn come frogmen

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 8
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Hellboy frogmen come in 4 distinct flavors, those who just caught the frog, those that have turned to frog, frogs that spit, and a giant frogish thing. Working from the bottom up I’ll work through each stage while trying to give them a small twist to help distinguish them on the board.

Stating with those that have just caught the frog I give the skin a thin underglaze of airbrush yellow which I don’t plan on for the other stages. Then follow up with a green contrast style wash and a top it with a blue pin wash. I then select a tan and a blue to use on the tattered clothing for all the frogmen for consistency. Using multiple thin coats helps control the effect and keeps the sketch layer doing what it should.

After picking a bit of detail, like belts and hair, I used a little Strong Tone selectively to accentuate a bit of shading then called them done

Full frogmen got a thin glaze of green first up then a wash with Strong tone and Military tone mixed 50/50. I could have saved myself a little work by picking out the tattered rags before the wash but it helped me see what I was doing and quick bit of Strong tone to the rags and some detail on the weapons and I call done.

Apart from the grey scale undersketch and skin tones on the first 5 all this was done in 1 Saturday.Apart from the grey scale undersketch and skin tones on the first 5 all this was done in 1 Saturday.

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