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Marumba Marumba! Jungle jungle jungle!

Marumba Marumba! Jungle jungle jungle!

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Dress for the weather

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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I watched the Weekender and thought to myself as I saw the Spring Clean competition “Hey, I could do that” and then “Oh shit! It ends the 22nd!!”. So here I put it forth for official entry in competition.

More mini insanity ensues in the depths if this jungle scene. I set about with doing the fleshtones with VGA Flesh and then a glaze of GW Reikland Fleshshade before a final thinned layer of VGA Flesh. I found a few mold lines that I hadn’t seen before and grumbled as I went back and cleared them up. I’m not pleased that they passed by me before but I was glad to be rid of the imperfections I’m sure would come up on camera later. I sprayed it with glosscoat and breathed a sigh of relief.

After the varnish dried I went to work on the crotch curtain. I put down a layer of VMC Turquoise (966) with a bit of Reaper’s drying retarder. I touched a few spots where there were to be highlights with VMC Blue Green (808) and then wet blended slightly. Because the retarder made it quite fluid I drew highlights by just wicking the paint away from what I wanted “brighter”. I decided to added some freehand pattern to the material and dotted about with VMA Ultramarine Blue (72.722). That may or may not get more work in future depending on how much I hate myself and want to busy up the figure.

I’ve got more plans for the figure but I’m not sure I want to drive myself nuts with NMM on her Princess Leia garb. I’ll make it a warm yellow orange as if it were a polished brass to compliment the blues/green hues. I don’t know how much of a glutton for punishment I am but this sure shows me new levels of masochism for effort and time crunch. In that spirit I laid down VGA Charred Brown (72.745) and then some VMA Pure Red (70.726).

Frondest memoriesFrondest memories

More work for the base was done on the decision to add the dead fronds, painting them with a base of VMA Leather Brown (72.740), dip with AP Strong Tone, drybrush the same brown, then once with VMA Desert Yellow (72.763) and a final highlight with VMA Elf Skintone (72.704).
This all comes together as I’ve now got two large O scale ferns done and I’m waiting on a delivery of the smaller HO scale ones next week.

Honestly this is normally where I hate my skills as everything looks so damn messy.

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