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Build up to Fathers day 2020

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A new day dawns

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Today is the day. Kublai kong versus Buddy the elf. The forces arrayed. Staring out over the plains before the shundo river and the outskirts of Shundo village itself.

I wish dear reader I could give glad tidings of the mighty victory of Kublai, and how he drove the pointy ears back to their realm. I wish, but alas cannot.

Despite a fierce and mighty battle across the bridge it was a massacre. Kublais forces being routed from the field having sustained a loss of over half his forces whilst the forces of Buddy lost a mere 3 stands in total.


on a serious note though as a first game for both of us (my wife wielding the forces of Buddy the elf to brutal effect) it was great. Despite me being hammered, the game was quick and fun (60 mins total including set up and packing away and a brief pause to check the little one). We did use somewhat simplified rules (the hexes made it much easier basically removing the need for tape measures).

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