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Heer, there and everywhere : Adventures in Bolt Action

Heer, there and everywhere : Adventures in Bolt Action

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Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 11
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I like assembling minis, but sheesh!I like assembling minis, but sheesh!

We’ve all been there, tripping over on the internets and accidently buying a starter army. The sheer volume of building to do was daunting in the extreme. Having said that, the models were pretty easy to build and I am pretty quick at getting stuff built and primed, it’s the step after that where things slow down.

Here are some pics of the primed minis (there are many).

With hindsight gluing the mortar and mg crews to their bases might not have been the best of ideas, but they weren’t that bad to paint.

So with everything primed, recommended paints research and acquired, I was ready to go.

I added a little extra stowage to some of the vehicles, while this may cause some purists to cry into their weak lemon drinks I really don’t care. If anyone asks what regiment do these represent, my answer will always be a German one. If you want to accurately create a unit out of history, that’s great, you do you.

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