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Project Blog by ewokkebab Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 589

About the Project

Verrotwood is a grimdark fantasy miniatures agnostic skirmish game. The game's core rules are designed to be simple to pick up and play. It uses a ten sided dice pool system that helps to speed up play by removing the need for math at the table. Available now from Wargame Vault.

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What's in a name

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 12
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I decided that it would be fun to create a list of cult names that could randomly generated. I was aiming for slightly silly results. There are a million combos, I decided to repeat the second (now seen as the third) column as a prefix too,  thus giving you  100 million possibilities! just put an ‘of the’ betwixt the ‘noun’ and ‘adjective’ column and you are good to go.

What's in a name
What's in a name
What's in a name

I have to give credit here to Limburg from the Beasts of War discord community who has created a handy online version of this generator . He has also bought the game,so I look forward to his tabletop creations too.

Getting underway

Tutoring 8
Skill 12
Idea 12
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I starting cobbling together bits and pieces I will need to make the terrain and accompanying miniatures. You only need 4 miniatures to make your warband, going by my previous behaviors I will probably end up making about 40.

Much as I am itching to get a brush on some miniatures, I decided to start on the terrain first. To push myself a little I am going to try and make a couple of resin ponds and fully scratch build a witch hovel

I acquired some tree STLs, not sure if they will go on terrain features or as scatter I acquired some tree STLs, not sure if they will go on terrain features or as scatter
I picked up second hand GW things, figured the Sylvaneth would be a good fitI picked up second hand GW things, figured the Sylvaneth would be a good fit


Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 11
No Comments

Once in a while a game will just jump out and bombard me with glorious opportunity, Verrotwood for me was the trigger for a storm of ideas circling in my head. I had wanted to make a set of grim fairytale style forest, I own Silver bayonet and have a few props I could use to make a table, but a fairly generic, non-spooky one. Then I acquired Forbidden Psalm and I had another reason to want some grimdark terrain, but not really a great impetus to start.

I had been mulling over a corrupted forest set and then I stumbled across Verrotwood on Wargame vault. The art style and great miniature photos grabbed me. Some of the minis were similar to some of my Frostgrave (with one eye on Dragon Rampant) cultist kit-bashes I had been throwing together.

A possible use for my Loon Shrine at last?A possible use for my Loon Shrine at last?

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