New Concept Mech Design from Micropanzer Wargames

January 18, 2011 by beerogre

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As I'm really getting into Secrets of the 3rd Reich, I've been scouring the web looking for 28-33mm scale mech models with a suitably Weird World War 2 vibe.

Using my incredibly weak Google-Fu, I stumbled across this lovely looking concept video from Micropanzer Wargames. They're not a company I've seen before, but they produce a neat range of 15mm and 28mm (heroic scale... so more like 30-33mm) miniatures with a hard sci-fi look.

If this has whet your appetite for some sci-fi goodness, head on over to their website here.

Alternatively, you can check out some more of the concept design videos from Micorpanzer Wargames, on YouTube, at 3dfoudry.

BoW Andy

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