More Lost Patrol Board Game Details Pop Up From The Dice Tower

March 22, 2016 by brennon

In an interview from GAMA The Dice Tower got to talk to Games Workshop about Lost Patrol where Scouts have to escape from the clutches of Genestealers as they race through a jungle. You can view the interview at around 3h 7mins in on the video above...

Lost Patrol (Cover)

The game follows the same overall theme of the original game where the Scouts have to fight their way through the different jungle tiles to get to their drop pod and escape. The twist is that the map changes based on their line of sight and it vanishes behind them as they rush onwards - meaning it could be very different when they turn around.

Lost Patrol

Here's a pretty terrible picture but it shows you that the box is going to contain sprues rather than single models BUT they are coloured plastics so they have the feel of board game components at the very least.

Lost Patrol (Close)

The game is going to be out in June 2016 and should retail around the $60 mark which is around £40. This is certainly the cheaper price point we were anticipating. Playing in around half an hour and having a lot of replay value in the way the tiles go down on the table I could see this being quite the fun project and purchase.

Images from barcode

What do you think?

"The twist is that the map changes based on their line of sight and it vanishes behind them as they rush onwards - meaning it could be very different when they turn around..."

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