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Cult of Games Member

So lets see how well I did in 2020 given the manic year I had. we all had COVID and the end of the world several times over. I also changed jobs (not because of COVID) and moved house. it has been super stressful for me and the wife but we are finally in our new house and now redecorating and fixing everything in sight.

Here was the list from the beginning of the year

  1. Sell minis i don’t use anymore. (anyone need imperial guard bits in various degrees of not complete)

  2. make more terrain. I seem to really enjoy this now

  3. sell my previously made terrain

  4. play some more modern combat games.

  5. paint or sell my star wars legion models that don’t get used as much.

And here is the result

  1. Success, I sold my Warhammer 40k (guard,  marines and bitz box), boltaction, Star Wars legion odds n sods, Star Wars legion Droid army (from the bootcamp) and a whole table of terrain.
  2. failed, I didn’t make much terrain. did some, but not enough to call it a success I feel
  3. Success, sold loads of it and the items I experimented on with an airbrush donated to my F(not so local anymore 🙁 )LGS before I moved house
  4. haven’t managed to play many games this year because COVID so I’m not going to count this as a fail on my part. I did get a few in early in the year
  5. Success. My Legion painted:unpainted ratio is so much better now thanks to doing some painting and some selling. mostly  sold to be honest.

The house move really lit a fire in me to get selling some unused stuff. when you have to pay to move it it makes it cheaper to get rid of it. In the end everything that I sold bought me a new MacBook Air as my previous computer was a good 12 years old in a dire need of putting out to pasture.

So 3 success, 1 fail and 1 delay. Not a bad result I guess

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