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Book, Rules, Diorama Board, Miniatures oh my…..

Space Hulk is one of the best games ever made.

I have over 8,000 images.

I have 4 games+.

I have a ton of ideas….

This book could be very big. The fan base is huge. They would go crazy…..

Crowdfund it and see the interest.

FOMO… Hype… Marketing…..


Table of Contents.



Interviews…..Richard Halliwell 1987-



Pre 1989.

1989. Space Hulk. First Edition.

1990. The dlc. Deathwing. Genestealers.

1991. Scenario book and fan scenarios. Space Hulk Campaigns.

1996. Second Edition.

2009. Third Edition.

2010. The card game.

Fan made game.

2014. Reedition of Third edition or Fourth Edition.

iPad expansions.

Differences between the 4 versions.

Solo Space Hulk.

Strategy and Tactics.

White Dwarf.


All the Video games to date.

Reviews of all games.

The Future.


I have played this for 35 years.

I am also working on rules upgrade for solo play from 1 to 6 players and a game board diorama 4×4 which is in phase 1 of a 3-phase project…..3d printing rocks…..

Simple,Simple,Simple but with depth if you want it.

Space Hulk.

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