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Tallarn Desert Raiders

Tallarn Desert Raiders

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A long long time ago in a Galaxy far far a-wait a minute... wrong universe.

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For many years 40k was my “go to” game, with the only other games I played being GW specialist games, and warhammer fantasy.

Then, for a number of reasons, I fell out of love with the game of 40k, something which led me to sell my beloved Imperial guard army which I had amassed over many years. With the exception of a couple of bits. One of those bits was a Tallarn Desert Raiders Squad which I managed to pick up near the end of my Guard army, but since all my other troops were plastic (horrifically painted) catachans, the tallarns didn’t seem to fit with the theme of the army, so they stayed in a box even though I wanted to use them!

Fast forward a number of years and I find the box with the tallarns in and it reignites an old flame. My love for the Guard, my love for 40k, and my love for these epic middlehammer minis!!

Now I find myself looking on ebay and trading groups to find these chaps for reasonable prices, and over the course of a few months I pick up the odd few, they get added to the box and a small force begins to grow!

a lovely trading group find! a lovely trading group find!

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