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Amon Hen: Middle Earth SBG Terrain.

Amon Hen: Middle Earth SBG Terrain.

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Gondor calls for Aid!

Tutoring 1
Skill 7
Idea 8
Gondor calls for Aid!

So I had this random thought. I like my terrain peices to have multiple uses. Just building Amon Hen is a great undertaking. Now giving it more options to be used on the table is always an excellent idea.

So I originally was going to make a Gondorian Beacon. Before I tackled a place like Amon Hen. Then I heard Ben talk during the Hobby Hangout. “Someone should build Amon Hen…” Well Ben, I heard you loud and clear!

I am just going merge these two projects into one.


Gondor calls for Aid!

As you can see I skipped showing off building the base of Amon Hen and the stairs. So I can show off the modular side of this project.

The wood pyre and the statue that most like housed a Palantir will be interchangeable. Giving you at least two different uses for this terrain.

Due to this wooden pyre is when I learned how many polys my system could handle. The 1st wooden pyre was 1.1 Million polys which I imported into the Amon Hen build which was floating around 350K polys. After many crashes and the computer processing this for 20 minutes with no results. I had to go back and reduce the pyre poly count down to the 50K range. During this time my original saved file never truly saved due to the poly count. Thankfully I had a reduced poly count back up to work with.

Once the pillars and other objects around its base are done. I will have to throw this model back into sculptris to increase its detail.


Gondor calls for Aid!

So I did a quick test print of the wooden pyre.


Gondor calls for Aid!

Not the best picture but it just came off printer 20 minutes ago.

I will paint this up tomorrow and see if those tiny details will show up.

Mean while, who wants just one beacon? You need many to signal Rohan.


Gondor calls for Aid!

This was the result, a simple two stepped platform to the Beacon. The top step is roughly 20mm deep so models should be able to come into contact with it. And not worry about falling over all the time.

This one gets printed tomorrow (Sunday). I will paint this one up and post pictures hopefully by Monday.



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jmartinsonbrushstroke Recent comment authors
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As a total Lotr nut this project instantly caught my eye… going to be following with interest… keep the updates coming mate ??

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