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SD and I Plays: Death May Die

SD and I Plays: Death May Die

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S1E1 – Not-quite-first-playthrough Thoughts

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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S1E1 – Not-quite-first-playthrough Thoughts

I’ve played this scenario once before, but never finished it. I think I was interrupted mid way through, but already then had a feeling I’d never get through it anyway. Everybody was just bleeding all over the place. Never a good sign.
This time went much smoother. But I was also extremely lucky. I realize that the Investigator cards are scenario specific. So you’re meant to find things like the dog, the bleach etc. But finding the Lab Notes + Dog combo for Rasputin and the Bleach + Ammonia combo for Not-Indy was just so incredibly lucky and I feel that really helped turn the tide. It was a close call in the end, but it was definitely a win.
There’s a few things that rubs a little wrongly with me. Enemies happily following investigators when they leave a room is quite the mechanic to be used. Also enemies being in a room with investigators but ignoring them completely if it isn’t that particular investigators turn. Even if those enemies activate. Odd they’re just standing there, looking at our heroes.
And for this particular scenario, I found Not-Indy to be rather useless. Sure he did some damage and sure his Toughness helped out a bit. But compared to Rasputin who just burned through everybody like there was no tomorrow (which…well, there wouldn’t have been if they hadn’t stopped Mr Hastur), Not-Indy just seemed rather weak.
I did really enjoy the different stages Hastur went through. And the rules seemed straight forward and very quickly just became ‘second nature’. Very rarely did I have to go back to the rulebook and look up stuff.

Think SD and I are gonna give Episode 2 a go as well.

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