Creeping Mechanical Servitors Scuttle Out Of Spellcrow

July 27, 2016 by brennon

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Spellcrow are looking ahead to some neat Mechanical Servitors and expanding upon their Sci-Fi range. These were designed by Piotrek and are some interesting concepts designs.

Mechanical Servitors

While you can't tell much about them right now I think these would be a nice additional to any mechanically focused force you might want to run in your Sci-Fi games. For example imagine using these as part of an Imperial Guard army in Warhammer 40,000 as support for a bionically enhanced force.

I could see some weapons being mounted on that centre point there on the model just behind the orange object.

What would you do with them?

"For example imagine using these as part of an Imperial Guard army in Warhammer 40,000 as support for a bionically enhanced force..."

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