Become Captain Of A Notorious Pirate Ship In Tiny Epic Pirates

April 5, 2021 by fcostin

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Are you looking for your next swashbuckling adventure? Tiny Epic Games are ready to release their next instalment to the small box that packs a massive punch - with Tiny Epic Pirates coming to retail on 30th April 2021.

Tiny Epic Pirates // Gamelyn Games

Take charge of an infamous pirate vessel, and you will do what pirates do best... plunder, loot and engage in conflict with the Royal Navy! If you have been looking to hand in your everyday life to become a run-swirling savage, then Tiny Epic Pirates might just be the game for you.

The game itself will only take roughly about 45 minutes, so you will not need to worry about feeling seasick and enduring the rough waves of the ocean. It is down to 1-4 players to hunt down booty and plant it in hidden and secret locations across the board. But a pirate's life is never that simple! Your actions will become the fate of yourself and your crew, choosing to Plunder, Trade, Crew Up, Attack, or Search for new opportunities within the tiny epic pirate-themed board game.

Tiny Epic Pirates // Gamelyn Games

You can grow your reputation of sea savages by attacking merchant ships but remember, you are not always guaranteed you will come out victorious! If you have booty on board, you will be sure to lose your hard-earned gold to the justice system!

As you will be working against your teammates, not cooperatively - it all boils down to whoever buries three treasures first. And if you are all hunting down the same gold, and all trying to be the very best, all within a turn-taking system,  I can imagine it will become quickly competitive.

What always blows my mind about Tiny Epic games, is that you really do get a game inside that packs quite a punch, but because it comes in such a tiny little box, it can easily be made portable.

What is your favourite Tiny Epic Game? 

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