Khurasan Miniatures Offer Up A 15mm Rumble In The Jungle!

April 6, 2021 by brennon

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Khurasan Miniatures dropped a surprise addition to their 15mm Pulp range this week with their fun set, Rumble In The Jungle. I wonder what recent movie release might have spurred on such a set?

Rumble In The Jungle - Khurasan Miniatures

Rumble In The Jungle // Khurasan Miniatures

This Rumble In The Jungle set comes with three miniatures, all scaled to 15mm. The first is the big Alpha Carnivore who has sniffed out the location of the Movie Starlet and is looking to turn her into lunch! You've then also got the mighty God-King Of The Jungle who is looking to protect her!

Cue epic music, crashing trees, rocks being thrown and all sorts! This set looks like it would be perfect for someone wanting to tinker with rules and create their own unique scenario.

Rumble In The Jungle Miniatures - Khurasan Miniatures

Rumble In The Jungle Miniatures // Khurasan Miniatures

You could have fun coming up with rules for the God-King and then pairing that against the ferocious jaws of the Alpha Carnivore. You'd certainly want to put in plenty of interactive terrain so the God-King can use trees and rocks to smash over the head of that overgrown lizard!

This is just the first addition to their 15mm Pulp collection and if this set does well, we might see more popping up in the future. Throw in more mighty monsters and adventurers and you could turn it into a proper rumble in the jungle or perhaps a daring escape as you play as explorers, scientists and hunters in a lost world.

Are you tempted by this set?

"...if this set does well, we might see more popping up in the future"

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