More New Kingdom Death Appears & Game Box Finalised!

April 9, 2015 by brennon

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A whole range of new models and re-releases have popped up from Kingdom Death for the Apotheosis (Male & Female), Warlords, and Deserter with Satan and the Storm Knight back in stock too. Oh, and the final boxed game content has been decided!

Warlords & Mighty Apotheosis

First up we have said Apotheosis who are looking very commanding indeed. If you think that you should be the all powerful one on the tabletop then these are for you...

Apothesis (Front)

Apothesis (Rear)

"Seeing themselves as a god, the Apotheosis is as strong as they are flawed. Masked by their vanity, the Apotheosis is subject only to their own ego. The source of their power is unknown and will undoubtedly be their downfall."

Apothesis Female (Front)

Apothesis Female (Rear)

The first thing that strikes me about the Apotheosis is that they are some of the most anime/manga looking models in the range so far. The other models have had a dose of it but have always remained somewhat realistic in 'style' but these appear to have gone the whole hog.

Going back to that semi-realism we have the Warlords and the Deserter...

Warlord (Male & Female)

"Warlords use their power to stoke the dim, delicate flame of humanity into a roaring fire of martial strength. Whether raising armies of bedraggled, simpering survivors or transforming settlements into martial fortresses, they are inspirational, practical and blood thirsty."

Deserter (Front)

Deserter (Rear)

"The Deserter Knight has experienced trauma so horrible that it destroys the Twilight Order's mind locks that remove the memories and personality of initiates. Suddenly faced with their humanity and unprotected from the horrors they face the Deserter will often flee. Without the careful aid of an Archivist, the Deserter loses control of the relic hood and sword which torture the Deserter. In order to continue wielding the relics, Deserters will often turn their hoods into tattered bandages and chain their swords to their bodies."

Once again some amazing sculpts and the amount of care and attention you'd have to put into painting these is something I wouldn't be able to stand. I'd rather hand these kind of miniatures over to the likes of Romain to have a go at. Master painters for a masterful set of miniatures.


The wonderful Satan (I don't really think wonderful cuts it though...) and the Storm Knight have also appeared back on the webstore for Kingdom Death and are both looking as superb as always.


Storm Knight

The amount of additional effects that went into the Storm Knight make it one hell of a fantastic piece and the way in which lighting would work around the model is something to ponder if you're a painter. Each of those 'clouds' could have little storms inside them radiating light across the model.

It's Coming...Soon

Kingdom Death isn't just about these cool models however. There is also a game, Monster, that should be coming soon we hope. Have no fear though as they've shown off the final box and what it will look like when you get it...

Kingdom Death (Shipping)

Quite a massive box packed with all kinds of insanely beautiful cards and components to match the miniatures that you'll be using in the game. It's frankly quite insane how long this project has taken to come to fruition but I reckon it's going to be worth it.

Phew; quite a lot for you to digest folks!

"The first thing that strikes me about the Apotheosis is that they are some of the most anime/manga looking models in the range so far..."

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"Quite a massive box packed with all kinds of insanely beautiful cards and components to match the miniatures that you’ll be using in the game"

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