Battle To A Final Stand With Wargames Illustrated’s Custer

September 9, 2019 by brennon

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Wargames Illustrated has a new addition to its Giants In Miniature collection. This time around it's the man most remembered for his last stand, George Armstrong Custer.

Custer #1 - Wargames Illustrated

Somewhat inventing his own narrative for events and embellishing the facts, he was a brave if impetuous commander during the American Civil War and later of the 7th Cavalry. He is most remembered for leading his men into a trap at Little Big Horn against the Sioux tribe where he eventually met his end.

This version of him isn't quite the lusciously locked individual that we're used to seeing, instead looking more like pictures from 1872.

Custer #2 - Wargames Illustrated

He is generally considered to have made many errors leading up to the Battle Of The Little Bighorn with a lot of focus put on that bluster and impetuous nature he exhibited. He believed the 7th "could handle anything" and ignored the warnings of his scouts on more than one occasion, leading him into the trap which claimed his life.

Maybe you can now take this version of Custer and see about refighting the battle to see if you could win against the Sioux?

"Maybe you can now take this version of Custer and see about refighting the battle to see if you could win against the Sioux?"

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