Res Nova Revive Warzone On Kickstarter With New Campaign

May 18, 2022 by brennon

Supported by (Turn Off)

Res Nova Games has now launched their Kickstarter for their resurrected and revived version of Warzone. Warzone Eternal looks back at the original iteration of this dark Sci-Fi wargame and keeps things tight with a focus on smaller skirmishes between brand new miniatures!

Warzone Eternal Kickstarter - Res Nova Games

Warzone Eternal Kickstarter // Res Nova Games

So what is the new Warzone Eternal all about? Well, the game is played out on a 3x3 table with forces numbering somewhere between ten and twenty miniatures. You can also play games with smaller and larger groups of miniatures if you prefer.

Warzone Eternal Rulebook - Res Nova Games

Warzone Eternal Rulebook // Res Nova Games

The game plays out using alternating activations where most miniatures on the tabletop will act and operate individually. Everyone has a sense of character to them although there are hordes of the mindless undead of course!

Whilst there are alternating activations in play meaning that everyone is always in the midst of the action, there is also a reaction system. A limited range of actions can be performed in response to the actions of your opponent meaning that you can set up some very interesting plays.

One of the neat things about Warzone Eternal is that they have gone back to scenario-driven gameplay that features a heavy emphasis on the narrative experience at the tabletop. Warzone Eternal is less about just murdering your foes and opens up ways for you to tell interesting stories surrounding your faction of choice.

If you'd like a little bit more of a breakdown of the rules then you can check out the Rules Summary which was uploaded as part of the Kickstarter.

Pledging For Warzone Eternal

Currently, the campaign offers up options for six of the different factions from the world of Warzone and Mutant Chronicles. They are acutely aware that they haven't covered all the bases when it comes to the factions and sub-factions in Warzone but this is hopefully just the starting point.

Pledge Options - Warzone Eternal

Pledge Options // Warzone Eternal

There are pledge options starting from the very basic where you get the rules and use some of the older models in your collection. You can also go to the other end of the spectrum and get everything as part of the Warzone! Pledge.

3D Renders #1 - Warzone Eternal

3D Renders // Warzone Eternal

The models themselves have been designed so that they embrace the look and feel of the classic Warzone range but with more modern takes on proportions and the like. Things are still a little work-in-progress when it comes to the miniatures but they seem to have got the aesthetic for each faction down.

3D Renders #2 - Warzone Eternal

3D Renders // Warzone Eternal

It might look like there are a lot of duplicate sculpts within the different packs (you'll see these below) but one of the sculptors for the game shared some of their own work on the project and there are a lot of other options for you to choose from when it comes to building your models.

Bauhaus Box - Warzone Eternal

Bauhaus Box // Warzone Eternal

Capitol Box - Warzone Eternal

Capitol Box // Warzone Eternal

Cybertronic Box - Warzone Eternal

Cybertronic Box // Warzone Eternal

Imperial Box - Warzone Eternal

Imperial Box // Warzone Eternal

Mishima Box - Warzone Eternal

Mishima Box // Warzone Eternal

Five of the factions get a single box each which comes with all the bits and bobs that you need to get started with them. The forces of Algeroth get three as there are quite a few quirky and fearsome elements to their faction.

Algeroth Necromutants & Centurions - Warzone Eternal

Algeroth - Necromutants & Centurions // Warzone Eternal

Algeroth Undead Legionnaires - Warzone Eternal

Algeroth - Undead Legionnaires // Warzone Eternal

Algeroth Razide - Warzone Eternal

Algeroth - Razide // Warzone Eternal

If you're new to Warzone then you can check out a breakdown of each of the factions over on the Kickstarter page. It should allow you to make an informed decision as to which faction you're going to be picking.

I mentioned before that there is more to these boxes than meets the eye. Here is what one of the artists showed off for the forces of Mishima...

Mishima Miniature Preview - Warzone Eternal

Mishima Miniatures Preview // Warzone Eternal

That gives you a better idea as to what the unique elements of the box are and the variety that comes in the head and weapon options for each miniature. I'm sure that as the campaign continues, more preview images showing off the boxes in more depth will pop up online.

You can check out the Warzone Eternal Facebook Group to see what the community is chatting about.

So, are you tempted to dive in?

"Currently, the campaign offers up options for six of the different factions from the world of Warzone and Mutant Chronicles..."

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

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